Friday, December 4, 2020

My Story

 I'm Not Your Average Writer: And This is My story

    Before the summer of 2017 I couldn't write to save my life. It was all I could do just to write down a simple sentence. I struggled through grammar and learning the structure of sentences, POVs, paragraphs, etc. and I nearly wanted to just pretend that literature didn't exist. (I know, crazy right?) But I adored reading, I couldn't stop looking for great new books to read and when I couldn't find any new authors, I could always be found browsing my past reads. 
    During the summer though, a thought occurred to me. Multiple times I had been reading a book I thoroughly enjoyed, then I would find out it carried some element that I knew wasn't write for me to be reading. Most of the time, supernatural plots were added, and I found myself cringing. Though some are fine with Christian Fantasy, I have always tried to stay away from any kind of magical elements that might be incorporated in books, movies, etc. 
    This inspired me. What if I could write books that were just as entertaining and could still catch a good audience, but didn't have any supernatural elements in them? I strongly believe that from that day forward, God has enabled me to write. Of course, looking back now at my old short stories that I wrote, I cringe, but I am still astounded at how someone who stressed so much at writing something down could write such creative stories with descriptive words and vivid depictions. 
    Not so long after I finished my first short story, I began to write something totally new - a full novel. At first, the idea had formulated as a list of characters in an imaginary village. I started to role-play stories, making my models the characters. This got me thinking more deeply about actually seriously perusing publication. I liked the story line that was forming in my head and was coming to care about the characters. So I set to work. 
    Of course, I still had so much to learn about the publishing process, and I was incredibly naive, but I learned so much from my mistakes and tidbits of information that came to the surface through some rather unexpected sources. I was on cloud 9, but a lot of people tried to squelch my desires to become a published writer - after all, who ever heard of 12 year old girl getting successfully published? It seemed I would receive either censure or full-on humor. But I felt God spurring me on. The criticism  I received only made me press harder towards the goal of publication. 
    Then, a year later I finished writing my novel - in rough. It was time to copy it onto Microsoft Word, and I happily set about to the task. I spent another year revising and copying it down onto the Word documents...then revised it again. And again. And....again. You get the jist of it. God kept giving me insight on how my book needed to be altered to fit His perfect plan...remember it was His idea, I'm just following His lead. 😅 
    In between all this chaos though, in my thirteenth year we took a trip to Niagara Falls - a first for me. When we visited the Bird Kingdom there I was shocked to find that the life-sized waterfall in the big, open display was the exact image of the waterfall that I described in my book. It matched the description perfectly. Don't you go telling me there wasn't a divine hand in this. God new I needed encouragement, and he showed me a tidbit of my novel come to life.


    Later on, I realized my style was being influenced by the authors I was reading. Not good. At this point, the Lord started to give me more discretion as to what kind of books I should be reading and helped me to find my own unique style. This was the time I discovered just because a book is under the category "Christian" doesn't mean I should immediately buy it. All things considered, I practically re-did my book entirely, once again giving God the reins which led to me writing a story that was filled with a lot more faith and meaning. 
    During these times I was also investigating publishing. I'll tell you now, when I submitted my first few query letters I got rejected. That was fine by me, though I did felt like I had punched in the stomach for a while. It would take two more years (leading up to the present) before I would finally have a solid grounding as a writer and my first novel would be written the way it should be. 
    God has saved me from making so many bad decisions. He gave me insight and direction at the cross-roads of my future, quietly directing me with that still, small, yet powerful voice of his what He wanted for me...even if it meant I would have to settle for something a little less grand than what I was hoping for. Sometimes I would jump the gun, but God would forgive my impatience and help me along the right path again.
    As you know (if you have been keeping tabs on previous posts) that I'm still looking to publish my first book - once I'm done rewriting it that is. I don't need fancy editors or instructors, I have the best mentor there is. 
    I study under the best writer of all time: God Almighty, Author of the universe.    
 ~ Lydia Sherren

My Story

  I'm Not Your Average Writer: And This is My story     Before the summer of 2017 I couldn't write to save my life. It was all I cou...